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ウィリアム D ジョンソン弁護士 (William D. Johnson)

  • ハーバード大学法学大学院 1979 -1980
  • コロンビア大学法学大学院 1981年卒業
  • 日本に4年間滞在した際に京都大学にて講義を日本語で受講
  • 南加日系商工会議所事務局 副会頭/ディレクター
  • あしなが育英会年次ホストファミリー



My name is William Johnson.  I have practiced as a lawyer in Los Angeles, California since 1981.  For most of my years as a lawyer, I represented Japanese corporations in their U.S. activities. (I speak, read and write Japanese).  Currently, Chinese investors are entering the United States business market in a manner similar to Japan’s entry in the U.S. market in the 1980s.  As a result, their legal issues are similar in many respects. 

Our firm which consists of five lawyers has the experience to assist Chinese clients in all their business needs in the areas of real estate, business law, land use planning, litigation and more.

We also represent many business clients from other countries around the world and within the United States.

I look forward to working with you in English or in your native language.


我是William Johnson。 我从1981年开始作为执业律师在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶为广大客户服务。在职业生涯中的大部分时间里,我代表日本企业帮助其在美国各项活动的顺利进行开展法律服务(我可以听,说,写日文)。目前,中国投资人正像1980年代的日本企业一样进入美国市场拓展业务,因此在很多方面,中日两国企业所面临的法律问题有很大相似性。


